Friday, September 4, 2009


For some reason I had started to slurr and have a delay in my speech and that is improving. Today my therapist said that she is so happy to see that I am improving. Im actually taking showers and starting to eat again. The only thing I am dealing with is flashbacks and she gave some coping mechanisms to try, If not she will recommend medicine for post traumatic stress. Since I REFUSE to take more meds I will make the coping skills work. I feel ok today which is better that feeling like you want to die. So I am starting to be very optimistic and I love that I am involved in the whole process. Its not like I see a doc and they tell me what to do we all communicate with each other and figure oout my treatment together. Its starting to get easier to accept that I need help. I wonder if I have any loved ones that have my problem I would hate for them to crack and go bonkers like I did. Once I figure out what to do with myself I will start talking more about it. If I am bipolar its genetic so someone else got it. But I need to find a book a good book on bipolar. So I cant drive long distance or be left alone its a rule! I could brake it but I am commited to my therapy so I am following everything to the tee.

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