Friday, August 28, 2009

How it all started.

Hopeless. That is how I am feeling. I am a 27 year old mother. I have always been known for being brave and strong. Friends always looking for my advice and insight. Not even Cancer scared me... I fought it and won. So how is this happening to me?
>Sunday: After laying my son down for a nap I went to my kitchen to make tea. All of sudden my hands started trembling, my vision was impaired, I was having a hard time breathing, and I felt extremely dizzy. I thougt my sugar is low..I mean this is how I have heard it feels like so it must be hypoglycemia. I know I have never had an abnormal glucose reading, maybe I just developed it. Ill put it off for now and mention it to my doctor later.
>Monday:Im sick, I know I am. I feel tired and irritable.
>Tuesday: I really dont feel good but Ill make sure to rest a lot this weekend. Its nothing major anyways.
>Wednesday:still sick. I made an appointment to see my doctor on friday during my lunch break.
>Thursday: During lunch I have a major blow out with my best friend. An hour later IT happens. The "attack" just like Sunday. OMG! Im having a heart attack! I calm down because I notice the symptoms are getting better.
>Friday: Doctors appoinment goes as planned BP normal so we do blodwork and wait to see the results.
>Sunday:starting to feel anguish and irritated.
>Monday: I dont know How I made it through work but I did...whats wrong with me>
>Tuesday: I cant go to work I call in. I just cant be there. Call the doctor bloodwork is all NORMAL. I am handed a paper to go see someone that can help.
Wednesday: First day of partial-hospitalization treatment.

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